
Ubuntuではfirefox 2.0が標準ブラウザだが、ライブラリパスが/usr/lib/firefoxとなっているため、Squeakのブラウザプラグインが正しくインストールされない。これを直すにはSqueakブラウザプラグイン登録スクリプトnpsqueakregisterを修正する必要がある。

sudo gedit /usr/local/lib/squeak/npsqueakregister


#! /bin/sh

# File:        npsqueakregister
# Author:      Bert Freudenberg 
# Description: Script to register the npsqueak plugin with 
#              various browsers. 
#              Rerun after you installed a new browser!
# Parameters:  -u unregister

BROWSERS="firefox netscape mozilla mozilla-firefox opera MozillaFirefox/lib"


cd /usr/local/lib/squeak
sudo npsqueakregister

とすると正しくSqueakブラウザプラグインをインストールできる。あとはid:propellaさんのhttp://d.hatena.ne.jp/propella/20060507/p2 を参考にしてください。



                                                                                                                                                                                  • -


下記サンプルは前回同様Form画像aFormからPDFを作成するものです。ちなみに遅いです。それは画素値をRGB値として取得するのに #colorAt:を使っているためでForm画像からBitmapを得てRGB値を取り出すようにすれば速くなると思うが、まぁサンプルと言うことで...

fileName aPDFStream aStream writer aForm objectIndex objectPosition pos length sx sy buffer zipped
fileName := 'output.pdf'. buffer := ByteArray new: 3. objectPosition := OrderedCollection new. objectIndex := 1. aPDFStream := (FileStream newFileNamed: fileName) binary. aForm := Display. aStream := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: (String new). aStream binary. writer := ZLibWriteStream on: aStream. Cursor write showWhile: [ 0 to: (aForm height - 1) do: [:y | 0 to: (aForm width - 1) do: [:x | color := aForm colorAt: x@y. buffer at: 1 put: (color red * 255) asInteger. buffer at: 2 put: (color green * 255) asInteger. buffer at: 3 put: (color blue * 255) asInteger. writer nextPutAll: buffer.]]]. writer close. zipped := writer encodedStream contents. "PDF Header" aPDFStream nextPutAll: '%PDF-1.5', String crlf. "Catalog" objectPosition add: aPDFStream position. aPDFStream nextPutAll: objectIndex asString, ' 0 obj', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '<<', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Type /Catalog', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Pages 2 0 R', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '>>', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'endobj', String crlf. objectIndex := objectIndex + 1. "Pages" objectPosition add: aPDFStream position. aPDFStream nextPutAll: objectIndex asString, ' 0 obj', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '<<', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Type /Pages', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Kids [ 3 0 R ]', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Count 1', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '>>', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'endobj', String crlf. objectIndex := objectIndex + 1. "Page" objectPosition add: aPDFStream position. aPDFStream nextPutAll: objectIndex asString, ' 0 obj', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '<<', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Type /Page', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Parent 2 0 R', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Resources', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '<<', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/XObject << /Image0 4 0 R >>', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/ProcSet [ /PDF /ImageC ]', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '>>', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ]', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Contents 5 0 R', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '>>', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'endobj', String crlf. objectIndex := objectIndex + 1. "XObject" objectPosition add: aPDFStream position. aPDFStream nextPutAll: objectIndex asString, ' 0 obj', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '<<', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Type /XObject', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Subtype /Image', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Name /Image0', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Width ', aForm width asString, String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Height ', aForm height asString, String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/BitsPerComponent 8', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Filter /FlateDecode', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Length ', zipped size asString, '>>', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'stream', String crlf. "Raw" aPDFStream nextPutAll: zipped. aPDFStream nextPutAll: String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'endstream', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'endobj', String crlf. objectIndex := objectIndex + 1. "PageContents" objectPosition add: aPDFStream position. aPDFStream nextPutAll: objectIndex asString, ' 0 obj', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '<< /Length ', (objectIndex + 1) asString, ' 0 R >>', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'stream', String crlf. pos := aPDFStream position. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'q', String crlf. aForm width > aForm height ifTrue: [ sx := 595. sy := 595 * (aForm height) / (aForm width). ] ifFalse: [ sy := 842. sx := 842 * (aForm width) / (aForm height). ]. aPDFStream nextPutAll: sx asFloat asString, ' 0 0 ', sy asFloat asString, ' 0 0 cm', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Image0 Do', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'Q', String crlf. length := aPDFStream position - pos. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'endstream', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'endobj', String crlf. objectIndex := objectIndex + 1. "Stream length" objectPosition add: aPDFStream position. aPDFStream nextPutAll: objectIndex asString, ' 0 obj', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: length asString, String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'endobj', String crlf. objectIndex := objectIndex + 1. objectPosition add: aPDFStream position. "xref" "xref" aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'xref', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '0 ', objectIndex asString, String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '0000000000 65535 f', String crlf. 1 to: (objectPosition size - 1) do: [:idx | aPDFStream nextPutAll: ((objectPosition at: idx) printPaddedWith: $0 to: 10 base: 10) asString ,' 00000 n', String crlf]. "trailer" aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'trailer', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '<<', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Size ', (objectIndex -1)asString, String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '/Root 1 0 R', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '>>', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: 'startxref', String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: objectPosition last asString, String crlf. aPDFStream nextPutAll: '%%EOF', String crlf. aPDFStream close.